Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Luke's car

My dad had to do some work on Luke's little red chevy Aveo yesterday. Abigail saw him working on it and got mad that he was messing with daddys car. She was yelling at him from inside the house. I finally had to take her outside so she could see papa was not hurting the car but helping the car. Then, she was okay that he was out there touching it. But she became so protective of daddys car.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Singing Jesus Loves Me

Tonight Abigail sang "Jesus Loves Me" for the first time. I was so happy for her. Then all of a sudden I just started crying becuase Luke (her daddy) was not here to hear her sing. I know he in Heaven and he heard her but he couldnt praise her like everyone else can. It was a happy and a sad time all mixed into one.