Thursday, September 30, 2010


Just recieved an e-mail the other day from a missionary in England. He told me that when he heard about Lukes accident that he began praying for someone to surrender to go to Penrith to start a work. (Penrith is where Luke and I were going to work) When I went over to England this summer the missionary asked me to present my testimony to a bunch of preachers and missionaries. I was pretty shocked because they already have there place of ministry. But the LORD KNOWS WHAT HIS WILL IS! So i shared my testimony and this man was in the congregation. I recieved an E-mail telling me that this man feels the Lord leading him to Penrith. He said he has known for a while it took my trip to England and hearing my testimony for God to finally wake him up and tell him it time. The church he has right now is being given to a national!! praise the Lord for that!!! Some other problems have arose causing him to resign his position Sunday!!! He will be making his move to Penrith by January. Praise the Lord. He used my testimony to his GLORY!!!!! I have asked the man if when they hold their first servise there if i could be a part or a special meeting there will be holding. I dont see why that would be a problem at all. : )

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